Below are relevant transfusion related publications from the Northern Ireland Department of Health and the RQIA.
- Blood Transfusion and the risk of Transfusion-Associated Circulatory Overload (TACO) (2017)
- Circular HSC (SQSD) (NICE NG24) 2/16 (NICE Clinical Guideline NG24 – Blood Transfusion) (2016)
- Transfusion Transmitted cCJD: (ii) Updated Risk Assessment (ii) Amendment to Better Blood Transfusion 3 Northern Ireland (BBT 3NI) (2015)
- Detection, investigation and management of anaemia (2012)
- Better Blood Transfusion 3 (NI) (2011)
- The Transfusion Of Blood And Blood Components In An Emergency (2010)
- Right patient right blood (2007)
- Protecting the blood supply from variant CJD: Deferral of donors who have received a blood transfusion (2004)
- Varient Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) and plasma products (2004)