Below are some of the presentations from the NITC Educational Symposium
Platelet Supply and Demand Dr K Maguire
Platelet Transfusion in Northern Ireland Dr D Carson
Audit of Platelet Transfusions in BHSCT Dr K Morris
Anaemia Management in Surgery Dr R Raobaikady
IV Iron - Safety and Effectiveness Mr A Wilson
Trainee presentations
Anaemia in Endometrial Cancer Dr R Devlin
Preoperative Anaemia in BCH Dr F MaGill
Perioperative blood use in Whipples and hepatectomy patients
Detection and Management of Anaemia in Cardiac Surgery
Enhanced Practice Following Formation of Cell Salvage Group
HAIL Haemovigilance Adverse Incident Learning
Immunoglobulin Prescription and Administration Document
Implementation of Remote Blood Fridges in the BHSCT
Improving Wristband Identification
Investigation and Management of Pre-operative Anaemia
Pre-assessment Iron Decision Tree
Reduction in Red Cell Transfusion in NI
Safe Blood E-learning for Nurses and Midwifes
The Investigation and Management of Iron Deficiency Anaemia in Endoscopy