Below is a list of publications produced by the NITC over the years
Where Does the Blood Go In Northern Ireland? (2018)
Appropriate use of Anti-D Immunoglobulin in Pregnant Mothers - audit summary (2015)
Platelet Transfusion in Northern Ireland (2015)
Guidance on the Management of Iron Deficiency Anaemia for Primary Care Professionals (2015)
Guidance on the Management of Iron Deficiency Anaemia prior to Surgery (2015)
Guidance on the Management of Iron Deficiency Anaemia for Endoscopy Professionals (2015)
Investigation and Management of the Adult Patient with Anaemia (2015)
Platelet transfusions in Northern Ireland - audit summary (2015)
Management of the anaemic adult patient prior to scheduled major surgery (2012)
Guidelines for red cell transfusion wallchart (2009)
Management of Anaemia and Avoidance of Transfusion (2010)
Guidelines for Blood Transfusion Practice (2009)
Appropriateness of Blood Transfusion (2006)